Filming Locations - Season 2, Pg. 1

201 - Chuck Vs. The First Date

Chuck Hanging Out the Window with Mr. Colt

At the beginning of the episode, we see Chuck hanging out a window held by Mr Colt, yet unidentified. The building is located at 1341 E. 7th St. in Downtown LA. It was, at the time of the filming, an empty former Southern Pacfic Railroad Building. Here are pictures of the building as it looked when the filming happened. This building appears later on as it is extensively used in this episode. There are three identical buildings next to each other. 

It appears they used the side of the building for this shot as the roofline is flat, not curved. I have a newer picture (May 2019) of that area.

Chuck han0ging from window held by Mr. Colt
Building showing "For Lease" sign at top.
Building from June 2009
Old Southern Pacific RR sign on Building
Side of Old SP Building

Casey Crashes into Chinese Restaurant

Chuck and Sarah are on their first date at a chinese restaurant suggested by Morgan called The Last Dragon. After they are captured and Mr. Colt comes in, Chuck’s watch goes off and Casey is alerted. Casey then proceeds to drive his care into the Restaurant. The resturant was filmed in a practical set on Hennessy Street. A practical set is one which has a full interior rather than just a facade. Casey backs out and drives away. This information was verified by a fomer Set decorator from Seasons 1 and 2 of the show. BTW, this street was build for the movie “Annie.”

The Last Dragon Restaurant
Restaurant Set on Hennessy Street
The Interior of the Set

Sarah and Casey arrive at the Wrong Warehouse

Chuck tells Sarah and Casey that Mr. Colt’s hideout is downtown at 103rd Street, which is actually located in the Watts neighborhood. The warehouse is the same building used in the entire episode on E 7th St. You can see Sarah and Casey the CIA agents enter the building. The actually shot is a bit blurry because of the zooming in on that area. The picture is from Google maps taken in 2009, close to the time of the shooting of the episode.

Casey and Sarah and the team entering the wrong warehouse
The door of the wrong warehouse - June 2009

Casey Catches Chuck on the Fire Escape

Now we get to the point in the episode where Mr. Colt is hanging Chuck off the fire escape and drops him. Sarah screams and Casey catches Chuck. There are two different areas where the filming of this seems to take place. Colt is on a fire escape plaform on the roof of the building (indicated by the red circle) and drops him. Casey catches him below. The skyline of LA is all CGI.

Colt hanging Chuck off the roof
Fire Escape where Colt drops Chuck
Mr. Colt Drops Chuck

202 - Chuck Vs. The Seduction

Chuck, Sarah, and Casey Go to Roan's House

They go to Roan’s house in Palm Springs. However, the actual house is at 5022 Del Moreno Dr, Woodland Hills CA.

Roan's House in Palm Springs

Chuck Arrives at Hotel

After the seduction training, such as it was, Chuck goes to Sasha’s hotel to “seduce” her. But he is not at the hotel, but at the Bridge building at Warner Brothers. The same Building that serves as the Westside medical Center, where Ellie and Devon work and where a number of things happen.

Chuck arrives at hotel
Warner Brothers Bridge Building

Chuck Meets Sasha Inside the Hotel

When Chuck goes to meet Sasha Banacheck at her hotel, we do not see the actual outside of the Hotel.  The hotel is the InterContinental Hotel located at 2151 Avenue of the Stars Bl in Century City, CA.

In this scene they are in the hotel lobby bar. 

Intercontinental Hotel Century City, CA
Chuck at Hotel Bar
InterContinental Hotel Bar in Century City

Chuck Hangs Off the Balcony

Trying to escape, Chuck climbs over the balcony and eventually drops on a bed below with a couple lying on it outside. Though it is really an inflatable stunt airbag used in falls.

You can see the same design on the balcony rails.

Chuck hangs off hotel room balcony
Hotel Balcony Rails

203 - Chuck Vs. The Break-up

In the opening scene, we see a flashback of Sarah and Bryce Larkin when they were partners on a mission in Columbia in 2005. They are on the lot at WB. They seem to go down a street, but it is different areas of the lot. They ended up in the same place they started.

Bryce and Sarah in Columbia
Sarah and Bryce - Beginning scene in Lot
Sarah and Bryce after the shot
Sarah and Bryce final chase location

The Von Hayes Mansion

The Von Hayes Mansion is nowhere near Burbank. At least the facade that is shown.  It is the famous Vizcaya Museum and Gardens located at 3251 South Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida. The mansion has been used in a number of movies and TV shows. However, since it is in Miami, the picture of the exterior was used and had some CGI done to it. The awning design is slightly different.

Von Hays Mansion
Vizcaya Museum and Garden

Inside Von Hayes Mansion

The ballroom where Von Hayes has his party is at Edward Doheny Mansion, 8 Chester Place in LA. The mansion was build in 1899 and donated to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese by Countess Estelle Doheny after her death in 1958. The Archdiocese later donated the home to Mount Saint Mary’s University for their Doheny Campus. It was used as an interior filming location for the penultimate royal ball scene for “The Princess Diaries” (2001).

Von Hayes Ballroom
Doheny Mansion Ballroom

Chuck Hides Under The Table

When Casey lets Chuck back into the mansion, Chuck hides under a table in the dining room while Von Hays and the Agent, Bianca Chiminello are talking.


Von Hays and Agent talking in Dining Room (Chuck under the table)
Dining Room in Doheny Mansion

Chuck, The Agent (Bianca) and, then Sarah Outside the Mansion

After the Agent discovers Chuck under the table, she escorts him, by gunpoint, outside the mansion to an awauting vehicle. They are actually at the courtyard of the embassy set, used in many episodes. Sarah comes out to rescue Chuck and is injured by the explosive tossed by Bianca.

Chuck and Bianca outside the mansion
The Embassy Set

Chuck Meets Von Hayes at Train Station

Chuck meets Von Hayes at Los Angles Union Stationopened in May 1939. It is the largest train station in the western US. It will apear again in a later episode.

Chuck to meet Von Hayes at Union Station
Los Angeles Union Station main waiting area

Chuck and Von Hayes Are Confronted By Casey and the Bad Guys

Casey chases Von Hayes up the stairs to the train platform where the bad guys confront them.

Bad guys confront Casey, Von Hayes and Chuck on the Train Platform
Union Station train platform

Sarah Doesn't Take The Shot

After the Bad Guys take the money and Casey chases after them, Chuck and Bryce escorted Von Hayes pass the ticket counters where Chuck is grabbed by Bianca and held at gunpoint. Sarah has come right out of the hospital and is standing behind the ticket counters but is unable to take the shot. Couldn’t find the spot where Sarah is hiding to take the shot. It doesn’t appear to be in the same area as where The others are standing,

Bryce and Chuck with Von Hays near ticket counters
Old ticket counters at Union Station

204- Chuck Vs. The Cougars

Sarah's Dad Gets Arrested

In the opening scene, we see Sarah as a teenager (it actually is Yvonne) driving and arriving at a house where she lived, only yo see her father get arrested and taken away. The house is supposed to be in San Diego but is location at  5855 Laramie Ave, Woodland Hills, Ca.

Jack Burton gets arrested in San Diego
5855 Laramie Ave, Woodland Hills

Sarah Retrieves Money in Woods

After her Father is arrested, Sarah goes to the woods to retrieve strongbox containing money left by her father incase of emergencies. This scene is filmed at the jungle set on the Warner Brothers back lot. This area will be used a number of times in the series.

Sarah retrieving money in the woods
Warner jungle area

Chuck and Sarah at the Restaurant With the Ratners

Chuck and Sarah go out to dinner with Heather and Mark Ratner. The restaurant is a practical set on the backlot at Warner Brothers on French Street. The interior can be identified by the windows and the paneling on the walls. As you can tell in the screenshot, the lighting fixures and the lighting in general is different.

Another fun fact from this scene is that Yvonne’s partents, Bożena and Peter Strzechowski, were visiting from Australia and were included as extras as signified by the red circle. Yvonne’s mom is at one table and her dad was at another.

Chuck and Sarah at a restaurant with the Ratners
The exterior of the set on French St.
The empty Interior of the restaurant set
The dressed set (photo courtesy of William M. DeBiasio)
Another view of the dressed set (photo courtesy of William M. DeBiasio)
Yvonne with her parents, Bożena and Peter Strzechowski
Yvonne's mom and dad in cene

Jenny Burton's High School Reunion

Jenny Burton’s (Sarah) high reunion was a 10 year reunion of James Buchanan High School, named after the 15th President of the United States. It was located in San Diego, Ca.

The filming for the reunion took place in the gymnasium at William Howard Taft High School (also named after a US President) located at 5461 Winnetka Ave in Woodland Hills, Ca. The school has been used in numerous movies and TV shows such as: The Boy in the Bubble, Mask, The Brady Bunch Movie, and The Amazing Spiderman, among others.

Chances are all the school scenes were filmed at Taft. It is now known as Taft Charter School.

Taft High School Gym
Inside the Gym

205 - Chuck Vs. Tom Sawyer

Jeff Wins Missile Command Title

At the beginning of the episode, we see Jeff Barnes standing with a bikini’d young woman on each arm as an announcer describes as as the Missle Command Video Game World Champion. This event takes place on the WB lot in front of the theater set.. The banner is placed over the marque and the facade is slightly modified

Jeff winning the Missile Command Championship
Theater at WB

The Loading Dock

After Chuck and Jeff get wasted in the Theater Room of the Buy More, Casey spots the bad guys approaching the entrance. So Casey and Chuck, with Jeff over his shoulder exit the Buy More out the back door to the loading dock.

The loading dock is on the Warner Brothers lot and will be seen in a number of episodes. As you can see, it was painted for the show, but looks rather generic now.

Buy More Loading Dock
Loading Dock at Warner Brothers

206 - Chuck Vs. The Ex

Chuck at Jill's Sorority House at Stanford University

In a 2003 flashback, we see Chuck walking down to Jill’s sorority house Pi Delta Pi (which does not exist in real life),  having driven 346 miles straight. The house is located on the WB lot and is the same house from Chuck Vs. the Alma Mater as Professor Fleming’s house.

Jill's Sorority House
Sorority House at WB

Chuck Makes a Nerd Herd Call to Sheraton Universal City Hotel

Chuck goes to the Sheraton Universal City Hotel for a Nerd Herd call. Little does he know what awaits him. The hotel at the entrance of Universal Studios Hollywood near Studio City. Ca.

The ballroom where an event will be taking place. The room in the shot is partitioned off from the entire ballroom. It appears they use the front portion of the ballroom for the episode.

Sheraton Universal Hotel
Dr. Eva Anderson giving her talk
Grand Ballroom
Ballroom Entrance

Jill Enters the Conference

As Chuck works on the computer at the registration desk of the conference, in walks Jill, his Ex.

The lobby shown is the lobby of the ballroom in the Sheration

The Ballroom Lobby and Registration Desk
Jill Enters the Lobby

Chuck and Jill Go to Dinner

Chuck takes Jill our to dinner to impress her and gain her confidence. He is on a mission. He drives her to the Restuarant in a 2005 Ferrari F430 Spider, which is not able able to drive well.

The restaurant is located at 1714 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. At the time it was the Vermont Restuarant, but currently it is the Black Rose Performance Venue.

Chuck and Jill go into the Restaurant
Chuck and Jill Exit the Restaurant
The Vermont, now Black Rose

207- Chuck Vs. The Fat Lady

The Team Goes to the Opera

After Chuck opens the puzzle box and figures out the USB drive is hidden at an opera house, the team, with Jill in tow, travels to theater located in downtown Los Angeles. It is the Orpheum Theater, a very ornate, old time venue that opened on February 15, 1926. Many greats in show business  performed there. It is located at 842. S Broadway. 

The Orpheum Theater from the Stage
Jill and Chuck in the Balcony looking for the USB Drive
The Balcony at the Orpheum

In Front of the Opera House

After Chuck, Casey and Sarah rescue Jill from Tuttle, they are in the front of the opera house, which i not at the Orpheum, but at the Warner Brothers lot. The building is adjacent to the embassy building seen in a number of episodes.

In Front of the Opera House
On WB Lot

Chuck and Jill Make Their Escape

We see Chuck and Jill making out on Chuck’s bed. They decide to leave just as Casey and Sarah discover that Jill is a Fulcrum agent. We see Chuck and Jill drive off, but not near Burbank. They are on the outskirts of Griffith Park. They are driving on Zoo Dr., which leads away from the Los Angeles Zoo. Tey pass Griffith Park Dr and speed off into the sunset, so to speak

Chuck and Jill speed off into the sunset
Zoo Dr and Griffith Park Dr

208 - Chuck Vs. the Gravitron

In Chuck vs the Gravitron, only three locations are used. The Buy More, the carnival (containing the Gravitron, of course) and a surgery set, probably located on a WB soundstage. The location of the carnival is unknown at this time.